BEST-COST brings together a strong and unique consortium of 17 organisations from 10 European countries and the USA.
Sciensano is the Belgian public health institution and the project coordinator – overseeing the work as we explore the socioeconomic cost of pollution on our health. They will lead on developing a new methodological framework to assess social inequalities in the health costs of environmental stressors
ErasmusMC is a research hospital committed to achieving a healthy population and pursuing excellence in healthcare through research and teaching. They will develop a shared methodology to understand the burden of disease caused by air & noise pollution
Cintesis is an important research & development unit at Universidade Do Porto. They will appraise current monetisation methodologies to better understand the cost of pollution for BEST-COST
The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute is world-leading in global health with focus on low- and middle-income countries. They will develop open source code programming to quantify and monetise DALYs in BEST-COST
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health is dedicated to sharing knowledge for better public health and healthcare services. They will calculate the disease burden, cost and social inequalities in 5 countries and assess policies to tackle this
VITO Belgium is an independent research organisation in clean tech and sustainable development. They will look into the transferability of BEST-COST results to other pollution and geographical areas
The DTU National Food Institute look for more sustainable and value-centred solutions in food and health. They will lead BEST-COST data management to ensure it is open and ethical.
EuroHealthNet is the European partnership tackling health inequalities to build healthier communities. They will lead the communications, policy and stakeholder engagement work of BEST-COST to involve and promote its outcomes to a wide audience
The Centre Scientifique Et Technique Du Batiment aims to improve quality of life through sustainable buildings and cities adapted for the effects of climate change. They will bring expertise on indoor air quality analysis in France to update the BEST-COST method to measure indoor air exposure
Egas Moniz Cooperativa De Ensino Superior Crl Cooperativa is one of the largest schools for health and science in Portugal. They will support the BEST-COST research into the health costs of pollution and bring the Portuguese perspective
IHME is a research centre that quantifies global health challenges. They will bring expertise in the global health impacts of air pollution to BEST-COST research to establish a Burden of Proof that measures the strength of evidence behind environmental health risks
LMU Muenchen is a leading research university in Europe. For BEST-COST they will develop protocols to better understand the environmental burden of disease and resulting social inequalities
The Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research at NTNU is a global research centre looking to reduce social inequalities worldwide. As part of BEST-COST they will use socioeconomic indicators – such as education, employment & income – to better understand deprivation at the local level
The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment uses scientific research to create a healthier and more sustainable way of living. They will support BEST-COST by developing a novel methodology for assessing the burden of linked exposures
Sante Publique France is the national public health agency created to improve and protect the health of people living in France. They will support in developing the BEST-COST methodologies to understand the socioeconomic costs of air and noise pollution.
Tervise Arengu Instituut – the National Institute for Health Development of Estonia will support the BEST-COST research and provide key data on pollution and health costs in Estonia
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare promotes the welfare, health and safety of Finland. They will support BEST-COST in improving environmental exposure assessments to quantify the burden of disease
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is a cohort of experts in the field of environmental exposure, environmental burden of disease, and health economics, from key EU and international organisations.
They follow the progress of the BEST-COST project and advise the consortium partners through discussions and recommendations. They also provide guidance on directing the exploitation of BEST-COST results to connect with key stakeholders.
Michele Cecchini
Head of Public Health, Health Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Irina Cleemput
Senior Health Economist and Scientific Programme Director, KCE – Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre
Francesco Forastiere
King’s College London, Consultant for WHO/Geneva and World Bank
Pierpaolo Mudu
WHO/Europe, European Centre for Environment and Health
Enrico Pisoni
Scientific Officer, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre
Gerardo Sanchez
Expert – Environment, Health and Wellbeing, European Environment Agency